Best Dental bridges in Santa Clarita, CA

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Considering replacing missing teeth in Santa Clarita, CA? Castaic Dental Center can help! At our clinic, we specialize in excellent dental care. Achieve a beautiful and healthy smile by scheduling your appointment today!

Are you considering a dental bridge? This treatment might be a good option if you:

  • Have one or more missing teeth
  • Have a strong bite
  • Don’t want surgery

We will examine your teeth and recommend the best solution for you. Missing teeth can cause problems beyond looks. Gum disease and biting issues may result from them. To replace a lost tooth, a dental bridge may be a perfect solution.

Dental bridges are available at our Santa Clarita, California center. A dental bridge is used to fill the space left by a missing tooth. Because it bridges the gap, it is so named. Crowns on the teeth adjacent to the gap are used to anchor a pontic, a prosthetic tooth. These crowns hold everything together.

How do dental bridges work?

A dental bridge generally does not need surgery. It will just take a few weeks to finish the process. Sometimes, dentists suggest implants to give the bridge extra support. Otherwise, they might use crowns on nearby teeth to hold the bridge in place.

Why choose a dental bridge?

There are many reasons to choose a bridge over other options:

  • Bridges are fixed, in contrast to dentures. It’s not necessary to take them outside at night.
  • Because bridges are so secure, you can laugh, eat and chat with assurance.
  • They look great and restore your natural smile.

When are bridges needed?

There are numerous uses for bridges, including:

  • Replacing a large filling when there’s not much tooth left
  • Protecting a weak tooth from breaking
  • Fixing a fractured tooth
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering a discolored or oddly shaped tooth
  • Covering a tooth that had root canal treatment
  • Replacing one or more missing teeth. Bridges essentially fill the gap and are attached to your natural teeth or implants next to the space.

Types of dental bridge:

You have several types of bridges to choose from. It depends on you’re the condition of your teeth.

  • Fixed dental bridge: This is the most common type. It’s kind of like a handshake between the bridge and your healthy teeth on either side of the gap. They all hold onto each other for a strong and stable bite.
  • Cantilever bridge: This bridge is like a friendly wave. It can only find one healthy tooth to hold onto for support, but that’s okay! It’s a good option if you only have teeth on one side of the gap.
  • Implants supported bridge: This bridge is the weightlifter of the bunch. It gets extra support from implants. These are tiny screws that work like fake tooth roots. This makes it very strong. It is a great choice for people that need a lot of chewing power.

Getting a bridge involves a few steps:

  • Pain-free prep: The dentist will numb your mouth to make sure you feel comfortable. They might need to shape or fix your surrounding teeth.
  • Making your bridge: A custom-fitting bridge will be created using an impression of your teeth.
  • Temporary fix: You will be fitted with a temporary bridge while your permanent one is being built.
  • Permanent placement: Your dentist will securely cement the permanent bridge once it is ready.
  • Natural look and feel: Your dentist will ensure your bridge looks natural and works like your own teeth.

Cost of dental bridge in Santa Clarita, CA

Depending on your mouth, dental bridges can be attached to implants or your own healthy teeth. Dentists must thoroughly inspect your teeth before prescribing bridges because of this. The following factors may affect the cost of your dental bridge:

    • Number of missing teeth: The cost of a dental bridge increases with the number of missing teeth. This is because more teeth missing means more materials and labor are needed for the bridge.
    • Material selection: Different materials are used to make bridges. These include metal, porcelain or a combination of both. Stronger or more lifelike materials are usually more expensive.
    • Procedure complexity: Sometimes extra procedures are needed before getting a bridge, like root canals on nearby teeth. These additional steps can add to the overall cost.

How long do dental bridges last?

When bridges are well-maintained, they remain sturdy and resilient. Frequent examinations are crucial. Flossing and brushing support the health of neighboring bridges and teeth. To discover more about bridges, consult with our dentists in Santa Clara, California.

    • Carefully Brush: Use a brush with soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste. Twice a day, wash your teeth. There, plaque can accumulate.
    • Flossing Finesse: Flossing beneath the bridge is crucial, but standard floss might struggle. Utilize floss threaders or specialized bridge floss to effectively clean between the replacement tooth and your gums.
    • Enhanced Plaque Removal: While brushing and flossing form the foundation, an oral irrigator can be a valuable addition. Tools like a Waterpik help dislodge any lingering food particles or plaque trapped under the bridge.
    • Dietary Modifications: Limit sugary treats to protect your overall oral health, including the bridge. Exercise caution with sticky or hard foods that could potentially damage the bridge or compromise its attachment to your teeth. Opt for healthy alternatives like apples over chewy candies.
    • Scheduled Professional Care: For bridge evaluations and professional teeth cleanings, routine dental appointments are necessary. Signs of wear or damage will be examined by your dentist. They will make sure your bridge stays in good shape. Early detection is key. It helps keep your dental bridge looking good and working well.